
Design Cpw Fed Slot Antenna For Wideband Applications Online

  • CPW- fed Hexagonal Shaped Slot Antenna for UWB Applications 1017 The geometry and parameters of the hexagonal slot antenna with a rectangular stub are shown in Fig. 1, where W1 and L1 are the width and length of the ground, W2 and L2 are the width and length of the rectangular slot and W h And L h are the width.
  • Abstract—This paper presents a high-efficiency wideband pla-nar dielectric tapered antenna designed for 60 GHz integrated applications fabricated through a novel process compatible with silicon technology. The antenna is composed of five parts: a CPW line, a balun, a tapered slot line, a dielectric tapered antenna and parasitic elements.

A compact Ultra-WideBand (UWB) slot antenna is presented in this paper. The slot is modified rectangular in shape and asymmetrically cut in the ground plane. A hexagonal patch with two stepped CoPlanar Waveguide (CPW) feed is used to excite the slot. Wider impedance bandwidth is achieved due to the extra inductive reactance created by the asymmetric slot which neutralizes the capacitive reactance of the hexagonal patch. The measured impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna is 11.85 GHz (2.9–14.75 GHz). The radiation patterns of the proposed antenna are obtained and found to be omni-directional in H-plane and bi-directional in E-plane.


Design Cpw Fed Slot Antenna For Wideband Applications 2017

Design and evaluation of a new compact CPW fed slot textile antenna for UWB applications Abstract: A rectangular slot antenna has been modified and designed for Ultra Wideband (UWB) applications. This wide bandwidth can be of utmost importance for UWB applications. The proposed antenna has diagonal cuts which will provide greater bandwidth.

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Design cpw fed slot antenna for wideband applications 2017

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